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March 19-25 Spring Break!

 Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring break in Galveston with Lauren was quite an adventure! I had lots of fun on my first "real" college spring break experience. Although we didn't stay a full week, I am having a hard time weeding out all the awesome pictures we took this week so I decided to devote this weeks blog post to our trip :)
We started off at the Moody Gardens Aquarium which was pretty nifty. We spent quite a while watchign the seals swim around, they were being fed right as we got there and were willing to do some tricks and show off for some food.

On Tuesday we explored the rainforest pyramid in Moody Gardens. There were parrots, monkeys, sloths, and a ton of other awesome animals to check out as we made our way through the different levels of the rainforrest. My favorite part was being a few feet away from monkeys!

The weather was not cooperating for a lot of the weekend, but that didn't keep us from checking out the waves. There are these really cool stone walkways that extend into the ocean and give you awesome pictures like this one.

This is probably my favorite impulse purchase from Kroger ever. I love pandas so much, and it's been a long time since I've flown a kite, so what could possibly be more awesome than flying a panda kite? The wind was perfect and we mostly didn't have any trouble keeping the kite up in the air.

We found this nifty telephone booth while exploring a shopping area called "The Strand."

We barely made it out before the waves started crashing and the sun went down. Our timing was nearly perfect the whole trip.

Our last dinner was at the original Joe's Crab Shack. It had an awesome view and great food (even though I got kids macaroni and not seafood haha)


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