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February 20th-26th

 Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I don't know what it is about blogger lately but it's been hit or miss on writing new posts! I guess that's what I get for procrastinating

Monday: After a long day I stopped by the APO intramural basketball game. We almost always lose, and this week was no different, but it's still fun to go support them. We always have tond of people in the stands and are really over the top with cheering, we even make our players go through a tunnel afterwards haha. It's really fun to be a part of! 

Tuesday: I am a teaching assistant for general chemistry, and this week their lab was a test of patience and impulsivity. They added one solution to another, drop by drop, until it turned a very faint pink. Add it too quickly or make a mistake and your solution turns into that bright fuscia color. We had lots of frustrated little freshman who became lazy or impatient and ended up with the "bad" color. They are all really competitive and it was fun to watch them so focused and see their faces light up when they knew they did it correctly. This was probably my favorite lab so far.

Wednesday was uneventful so we made some peanut butter cookies with kisses on top.

Thursday I had racked up enough punches on my Yo! punch card to earn my free cup of frozen yogurt. I love this place because you get to add all your toppings yourself.

Friday was APO chapter retreat! We went to this place called Mountasia, which is basically your typical putt-putt, go-kart and arcade place. APO had pre-paid for us, so we basically just ran around like children and had tons of fun! The highlight of my evening was the go-karts -- it's really fun to race when you know every single person on the track. Me and my friend Cristi ended up doing the go-karts SEVEN times. It was great!

Saturday was a busy day. I started the day at the Science Museum volunteering with some crazy awesome middle school students. After lunch I went to a tea party for my friend Danielle's birthday, and then in the evening my parents stopped by for some dinner and graduate school planning.

On Sunday we officially booked a spring break trip. Me and Lauren will be adventuring through Austin and spending a few days in Galveston. I've never been down to the Texas coast so I'm really looking forward to it! We got an awesome deal on the hotel and have planned out an awesome list of things to do. I'll also be spending a few days at home before returning to TCU for the remainder of the semester.


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