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February 13-19

 Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ok, so after technical difficulties abound on Sunday, the blog is up! I apologize for the delay!

Monday was baking day! I made Valentine's themed Funfetti cupcakes for one of my classes the following day. We still had regular class but one of my professor's wanted some sweets :)

Tuesday was Valentine's Day! I had a really great day. I'm usually feeling a twinge of lonliness or what have you but I can honestly say I was feeling splendid. Me and a bunch of friends got dressed up, went to Olive Garden, and saw the movie "This Means War" which was hilarious. This is a picture of my meal, which was delicious. I don't know why none of us remembered to get a picture of the whole group together!

Wednesday was Blend Off! Blend Off is Alpha Delta Pi's major philanthropy event where different student organizations come together and compete in to make a fun drink/theme/presentation. All the proceeds from the event goes toward the Ronald McDonald house, which is a place families can stay to be near the hospital if a child is receiving inpatient treatment. I always loved RMH, but having worked and volunteered at Baylor for a few years has allowed me to actually meet several families who have benefitted from these facilities, which makes it extra special! This picture is of the team I coached -- the marching band sorority! I love it when my band life and sorority life meet. These girls put together an awesome table themed "Pop rock and drop it" (instead of pop lock and drop it, the lyrics to a hip hop song). They used pop rocks in their drink and it was really fun! This event was especially powerful for the TCU community as some not-so-nice news was released about illegal activity among members of our student body. 17 arrests were made (including several football players) for selling drugs, and the students were all expelled. The story has received nuch news coverage, and our campus has been swarming with cameramen. Definitely a scarey time for TCU.

On Thursday my roommates and I went to the BYX Date Auction. BYX is a Christian fraternity and they way they raise money for their charity (Fefugee Services) is by auctioning themselves off as dates... very christlike haha. The event was really fun and although I walked away having not purchased a date, I'm glad I went to support my friends. On the way out it was pretty exciting because TCU sometimes puts on random events in the commons, and we stumbled upon a MONKEY! He had a little lollypop and was available for holding. For those of you who ever knew me as a child, I LOVE monkeys! He was precious and I love being in the right place at the right time

Friday: We braved warnings of bad weather to watch the TCU Baseball home opener. It stayed nice for most of the game -- no rain, but it got pretty chilly. We stayed for a while and then headed back to Emily's apartment to watch "Midnight in Paris" which is a great movie!

Saturday: I am at a loss as to why this picture refuses to rotate. So, we're just going to go with it. I went with some new APO members to a dance concert that was held on TCU's campus.It was a benefit for the AIDS Outreach center of Fort Worth. The dancing was beautiful, and I recognized a few of the students. There was a lot of current music being used for the routines and overall a great production, especially when you consider that it was put on entirely by students-- student dancers, choreographers, lighting designers, everything!

Sunday: We had APO meeting, and played some funny games of the "Whose Line is it Anyway" variety. Apparently we have some commedians among us. I also went to church with Lauren -- I think I've set a personal record for how many weeks in a row I've been attending church. I really love Christ Chapel and am trying to get more plugged in there before I have to leave.


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